Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I started feeling unwell yesterday afternoon, but couldn't throw up. So I left work with the aim of making it home for some quality couch time. Unfortunately, I didn't quite make it the whole way home without a small incident. I projectile vomited onto a tree. It was truly an exceptional force - I even impressed myself. Because it was -40 degrees last night, my spew had some time to freeze. I returned to visit it this morning, in all its frozen glory.

Sorry tree. Maybe it will serve as a lovely fertilizer? For the record, I am feeling much better today thankyouverymuch. I will not, however, be visiting the lunch establishment I visited yesterday for some time...


  1. Haha! how'd the radio show thing go?

  2. Yeah, I was pretty happy with it... both the spew + radio show. Back on air in an hour. Lordy.

  3. Hey Alicia - that's gross, I can't believe I clicked on the frozen vomit pic and recognised various vegies, barley etc - haha! Howdy from sydders, we miss ya!

  4. Hello Piersy! From the image, you will also note the absence of meat. I ATE BAD TOFU. Who woulda thought, eh? Also made me wonder if I'm simply not chewing my food enough. Many hellos to Joy + Hamster too.

  5. Hey Leesh,
    You have documented a culinary first - frozen Mongolian vomit! Keep up those milestones...

  6. Ha. Thanks Indira! I don't think our respective culinary experiences could be further removed from each right now! Your site is the epitome of food porn for me here. Oh for some fresh, home-grown basil + tomato... x
