Squeezed in between more straight up indie rock bands were these legends:
This guy was clearly a fan:
Sam was perhaps a little less amused:
Katy won a prize in the raffle, but to her dismay, it wasn't a tattoo. She scored five plastic bottles of the Russian beer. Great for us, not so good for her, considering she doesn't drink beer. Nonetheless, she was very excited:

We later celebrated her win by dancing on stage with bands and then climbing a speaker stack for elevated dancing. Katherine and I further celebrated Katy's win by drinking her beer. Straight Arrows also represented:

As an aside, it should also be noted that Katherine is a winner herself. She's a winner not only because she's amazing, but also because she was given a giant novelty cheque. It's the stuff that dreams are made of. She won a raffle at a shopping centre. I see a trend emerging. Hey Crea, if you read this, can you please buy me a Lotto ticket?

Sketchy squat toilets: we survived! And lived to tell the tale! Or take a photo as the case may be. Here's Katy with the lovely Happiness after conquering toilets that make the Hopetoun's (RIP) look like bejeweled thrones:
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