Sunday, September 12, 2010

Flyin' In Four

In four weeks exactly, I will be boarding a plane to Australia. This is frightening / awesome / wtf. I have a number of things I need to do before then. They include:
  1. Learning to play my tovshuur
  2. Publicising an international film festival + forum
  3. Getting a new tattoo
  4. Packing a year of belongings into one suitcase
  5. Plotting a course for, um, what next?
I expect many of my upcoming posts will be recaps / shout outs / pleas for help. You have been warned.

P.S. If anyone has requests for things I should do before I leave, please note them in the comments section. I will act accordingly.

P.P.S. GETTING SENTIMENTAL. These are the people I could not have survived without. More on them later. Photo in the interim. Legends.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so quickly, so quickly it goes!

    Get a tatt of Julian's face.

    What next = party. xx
