I have lost my ability to count. I think we're up to Day 7, but I probably missed another one in there somewhere. Ria and I went to see some metal bands on Saturday night and thanks to excessive Chinggis consumption, some severe memory malfunctioning may be in effect. I did have an epiphany that night though, thanks to the presence of some interesting characters at the gig, but more on that later...
Yesterday, Clare and I attempted to take all of our visitors to see Mongolian wrestling. We went to the Wrestling Palace excited by the prospect of
large men wearing minimal clothing, but instead we were duped by some kind of TV magazine's 100th issue party. There was a hideous array of Mongolian pop on display (M-Pop - thanks Loz):

Some men 'playing' guitars (note the absence of any kind of connection to an amplification unit. No they were not plugged in...)

And these guys, who saved the afternoon:
We left early, so we didn't find out if we won the car they were offering as a prize in their raffle. We later discovered that the car was a used 90s Toyota Corrolla though, so we weren't overly fussed...